Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pleasant Enough All the Same, January 17, 2009

The greatest opportunity in doing something over and over again is the chance to try different things to achieve your intended results. This is precisely why I drink a different bottle of wine every night, but I digress. With the MCA portrait project I'm still trying to strike an aesthetic balance between natural, photojournalistic portraits like this:

30, originally uploaded by Christopher Hiltz.

And more 'formal,' posed portraits where the subject is aware that I am photographing them, like this:

26, originally uploaded by Christopher Hiltz.

And then there are shots that aren't technically great photographs, but attempt to reflect the subjects' character, or my perception of it after interacting with them for a few seconds or so, like these:

28, originally uploaded by Christopher Hiltz.

29, originally uploaded by Christopher Hiltz.

In other news, the printer problem has been solved, I hope, and the wall is coming together quite nicely. See the complete set here.

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